EcoSimR Niche Overlap Tutorial

Version 1.00

Nicholas J. Gotelli & Aaron M. Ellison

15 June 2013

Introduction To Niche Overlap

Based in part on Gause's (1934) classic laboratory experiments, the competitive exclusion principle (Hardin 1960) is that coexisting species must differ in some aspect of their resource utilization. The idea was expanded into mathematical theories of limiting similarity (MacArthur and Levins 1967) and more recent treatments of the ecological niche (Chase and Leibold 2003). Ecologists have spent a lot of time measuring niche axes of potential resource competition, especially those related to the utilization of food, space, or time (Schoener 1974). The “ghost of competition past” predicts that species currently coexisting should exhibit relatively low overlap in resource utilization (Connell 1980). Alternatively, if competition for limited resources is current, there should be high overlap in the niches of two species.

Whether niche overlap is high or low has to be first be measured relative to some null expectation. This module of EcoSimR tests for overlap in resource use among a set of coexisting species using a set of unordered, discrete resource categories. The analysis reveals whether the average niche overlapI calculated among all unique pairs of species is more or less than would be expected if species used resource categories independently of one another. If the resources are measured on an ordered scale (such as prey size) or even a circular scale (such as time of day), then other kinds of null models are more appropriate Castro-Arellano et al. 2010). Different algorithms are also needed if the utilization data are collected on a continuous scale (prey body size measured in g) versus a set of discrete categories (prey body size classified as small, medium or large).

Seting Up And Running Niche Overlap In EcoSimR

Begin by creating a new folder on your desktop and extracting all of the EcoSimR files into it. If you using the standard R platform, open R, and then use the file menu to change the file directory to your folder. If you are working in RStudio, create a new project that is located in your folder. Next, load the script file EcoSimR – Niche Overlap Shell.R. Run this script (either by selecting and running all of the code, or stepping through running each line of code one at a time). If everything has worked, you should see something like this in your graphics window and on your console screen:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## Time Stamp:  Sat Jun 15 12:46:19 2013 
## Data File:  Macarthur Warblers.csv 
## Output File:  Niche Overlap Output.txt 
## Random Number Seed:  1.873e+09 
## Number of Replications:  1000 
## Elapsed Time:  0.48 secs 
## Metric:  Pianka 
## Algorithm:  RA3 
## Observed Index:  0.55514 
## Mean Of Simulated Index:  0.39112 
## Variance Of Simulated Index:  0.0024897 
## Lower 95% (1-tail):  0.32126 
## Upper 95% (1-tail):  0.48949 
## Lower 95% (2-tail):  0.31237 
## Upper 95% (2-tail):  0.50784 
## P(Obs <= null) =  0.994 
## P(Obs >= null) =  0.006 
## P(Obs = null) =  0 
## Standardized Effect Size (SES):  3.2872

If the program did not run successfully, the most likely error message you might have received in the console window is:

Error in : figure margins too large

If this happens, the plotting window is too small to accommodate the graphic. Either resize the plot window, or change the default setting for the Plot.Output option from “screen” to “file”. With this change, the graphics output will be sent to two pdf files that can be opened separately.

Data Organization

In this module, the data are organized in a data frame in which each row is a species, each column is a resource utilization category, and the entries represent the quantity of the resource used by each species. Examples might be the amount of time a species spends foraging in different microhabitats, the biomass of different prey types, or counts of the number of times an adult female oviposits eggs on different species of a host plant.

The entries in the data frame can be either integers or real numbers. Zeroes are allowed and indicate a particular resource category that was not used by a particular species. The row totals for each species do not have to sum to 1.0 or 100, although EcoSimR will convert all data to proportions for the calculation of niche overlap indices. Negative entries are not allowed, and the algorithm cannot handle missing (NA) observations.

Open the sample data set, MacArthur Warblers.csv. This file is from MacArthur's (1958) classic study of the foraging behavior of five warbler species in coniferous forests of New England. Each row is a different species, and each column is a different subregion of an idealized coniferous tree. Each entry in the data table is the percentage of time that a species was observed foraging in one of 16 different subregions of the tree:

##                               X1T  X1M X1B  X2T X2M X2B  X3T  X3M  X3B X4T
## Cape May warbler             49.9 13.2 0.0 20.6 8.3 0.0  4.0  0.5  0.0 0.0
## Myrtle warbler                6.6  4.1 0.3  7.8 4.9 1.3  9.3  9.8  3.6 1.7
## Black-throated green warbler 12.1  5.7 0.0 17.3 8.8 0.7 21.8 14.1  1.5 6.2
## Blackburnian warbler         34.8 10.5 3.2 15.1 8.3 2.7 13.1 11.0  0.7 0.3
## Bay-breasted warbler          3.5  1.9 1.4  6.5 8.0 5.9 11.4 19.1 13.1 7.7
##                              X4M  X4B X5T X5M  X5B   X6
## Cape May warbler             0.0  0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0  3.5
## Myrtle warbler               1.3  5.1 0.0 0.6 15.9 27.7
## Black-throated green warbler 4.7  4.5 1.4 0.3  0.9  0.0
## Blackburnian warbler         0.3  0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0  0.0
## Bay-breasted warbler         8.8 10.1 0.0 0.1  2.5  0.0

MacArthur (1958) presented all of the raw data, as well as diagrams illustrating how each species utilized the foraging regions with differing frequencies, and argued that this was the basis for niche partitioning and species coexistence. As we will see, the null model analysis of these original data gives an interesting and somewhat unexpected result.

Setting Model Options

Unless you are experienced programmer, the only part of the EcoSimR code that you should modify is the following section of options in the file EcoSimR – Niche Overlap Shell.R:

Data.File <- "Macarthur Warblers.csv"
Output.File <- "Niche Overlap Output.txt"
Algorithm <- "RA3"
Metric <- "Pianka"
N.Reps <- 1000
Random.Seed <- 0
Plot.Output <- "screen"
Print.Output <- "screen"
Display.About <- "none"
Graphic <- "Niche.Overlap.Plot"

For our initial analysis, we will change only the Random Number seed from its default setting of 0 to the integer 625:

Random.Seed <- 625

Default Output

Keeping all of the other default values and running the entire script generates the following output:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

## Time Stamp:  Sat Jun 15 12:46:20 2013 
## Data File:  Macarthur Warblers.csv 
## Output File:  Niche Overlap Output.txt 
## Random Number Seed:  625 
## Number of Replications:  1000 
## Elapsed Time:  0.44 secs 
## Metric:  Pianka 
## Algorithm:  RA3 
## Observed Index:  0.55514 
## Mean Of Simulated Index:  0.38681 
## Variance Of Simulated Index:  0.0020823 
## Lower 95% (1-tail):  0.32356 
## Upper 95% (1-tail):  0.46223 
## Lower 95% (2-tail):  0.31342 
## Upper 95% (2-tail):  0.49374 
## P(Obs <= null) =  0.997 
## P(Obs >= null) =  0.003 
## P(Obs = null) =  0 
## Standardized Effect Size (SES):  3.6888

The time stamp gives the exact time of the analysis. This same time stamp appears on all of the graphic output, allowing you to keep track of your numerical and graphical outputs. The next 7 lines of output (Data File, Output File, Random Number Seed, Number of Replications, Elapsed Time) provide basic information that was used to set up the run. The Elapsed Time (0.43 secs) can be useful for large data files because you can run a trial with a smaller number of replications and then estimate how long a full run would take.

The remaining output gives the results of the analysis. The Observed Index (0.55) is calculated for the Data File, whereas the Mean (0.39) and Variance (0.002) of Simulated Index are calculated for the set of simulated matrices (n = 1000 matrices for the default, which can be changed with Number of Replications). The next 4 lines of output give a 1- or 2-tailed 95% confidence interval.

The next 2 lines give the estimated tail probability for the Observed Index compared to the histogram of simulated indices. In this case, the lower tail = 0.997, and the upper tail = 0.003. The exact probability (P Obs = null) was 0 in this analysis because none of the simulated index values were exactly the same as the observed value. In some analyses (especially with small data sets), there can be ties, which are incorporated into the calculation of the tail probabilities.

The last line of output is the Standardized Effect Size (SES), which converts the p value into a standardized deviate, which can be used as a response variable in meta-analyses and comparisons among sets of results. Large positive values of the SES indicate increasingly small upper-tail probabilities, and large negative values of SES indicate increasingly small lower-tail probabilities. Non-significant tail probabilities usually fall between -2.0 and +2.0.

Most of these numerical results are illustrated graphically in the upper panel of the output, which displays the histogram (blue bars) of the simulated index values, the observed index value (red vertical line), and the one- and two-tailed 95% confidence intervals (the pairs of black vertical thin-dashed and thick-dashed lines, respectively).

The remaining part of the output figure gives a graphical portrayal of the input data (in red) and of the output data for one of the null assemblages (in blue). For the niche overlap module, the x-axis of this graph is the niche overlap categories, in the same order as they occur in the input file, and the y-axis is the species (ordered from first to last in the input file).

At each position in the graph, a circle indicates the relative utilization of the resource category. The area of each circle is proportional to utilization. If there is no circle present, there is a zero in the data set for that combination of species and resource category. The lower panel (in blue) depicts the same arrangement for one of the simulated matrices.

Options For Displaying The Output

You can control the flow of graphical output and text output by setting values for Plot.Output and Print.Output to “screen”, “none”, or “file”. If you choose file, the print output will be placed in a .csv file for which you specify the file name.

During data analysis and exploration, we prefer to keep the default outputs to the screen because we like being able to scan between the printed results and the plots. However, once you have settled on the analysis, you should run the results and print the results to file output. For the plot, this call will generate two .pdf files, one of which contains the histogram, and the other of which contains the two utilization matrices.

For publication purposes, you will almost certainly need to modify the functions Null Model.Plot and Utilization.Plot, which are both contained in the EcoSimR – Graphics Source.R script files. We suggest you copy and rename these two functions before you begin editing them. Then carefully alter the Output Results function in EcoSimR – General Functions.R to make calls to your new graphics functions. As always, annotate your code so you can be sure to have a record of how you have modified the script files to get the output you need.

For this tutorial, we have set the random number seed at 625, but in your work, you should use the default value of 0 so that a different random number seed is generated each time. It is instructive to try a few runs with the seed set at 0, because each run will be based on a different sequence of random numbers. This will give you a feeling for how variable the results from the null model analysis are

If want to cite EcoSimR in your publication (and we sincerely hope you will), change the Display.About option from “none” to “screen”. This change will generate a text screen of the most current EcoSimR citation. This text will appear before your null model output, so you will need to scroll up to find it:

## ############################################################### 
## EcoSimR - R Code For Null Model Analysis 
## Nicholas J. Gotelli & Aaron M. Ellison 
## website: 
## Version 1.00 
## 15 June 2013 
## ############################################################### 
## Citation Format: 
## Gotelli, N.J. and A.M. Ellison. 2013. EcoSimR. Version 1.00. 
## ############################################################### 
## Contacting the authors: 
## Nicholas J. Gotelli               Aaron M. Ellison 
## Department of Biology             Harvard University 
## University of Vermont             Harvard Forest 
## Burlington, Vermont               Petersham, Massachusetts 
## 05405 USA                         01366 USA 
## ###############################################################

Options For The Niche Overlap Metric

We have provided metrics for the mean, variance and skewness of the Pianka and Czekanowski niche overlap indices, which are calculated for each pair of species. The formulas for the Pianka and Czekanowski indices are given in the EcoSimR User's Guide. We have found almost no difference in the null model results using either of these overlap measures. The mean overlap is given by the index Pianka or Czekanowski is the most straightforward measure of the community-wide pattern of niche overlap.

We have also added indices for the variance (Pianka.var and Czekanowski.var) and skewness (Pianka.skew and Czekanowski.skew) of pairwise niche overlap. If the observed variance is greater than expected by chance, then the assemblage includes a heterogeneous mixture of species pairs with relatively high and relatively low overlap. If the observed skewness is greater than expected by chance, a small number of species pairs show very high niche overlap (right-skewed), and if the observed skewness is less than expected by chance, a small number of species pairs show very low niche overlap (left-skewed).

For the MacArthur data, although the mean niche overlap is greater than expected (using the RA3 algorithm), neither the variance nor the skewness differ from the null. Try the variance and skewness options yourself to confirm this result. Of course, these higher moments are increasingly sensitive to outliers in the data, but these patterns can help you to understand the basis for significant (or non-significant) results that you find with the mean index.

Options For The Niche Overlap Randomization Algorithm

Following the terminology of Lawlor (1980a) and the benchmark testing of Winemiller and Pianka (1990), EcoSimR provides four randomization algorithm. We recommend the default RA3 or the slightly more conservative RA4.

In brief, RA3 reshuffles the row values, and RA4 reshuffles the non-zero row values. Both of these algorithms retain the observed “niche breadth” of each species– that is the relative degree of specialization, but they randomly alter which particular resource categories are used.

RA2 preserves the non-zero elements, but replaces the non-zero elements by a (0,1) random uniform value. RA1 replaces all matrix entries by a random (0,1) uniform value, so the null hypothesis is that each species is an isotropic super-generalist.

RA1 and RA2 are too liberal and do not give good results with artificial test matrices (Winemiller and Pianka 1990). For the MacArthur data, try running these variations. Compared to RA1, the observed (Pianka) niche overlap is significantly greater than expected. Compared to RA2, the observed (Pianka) niche overlap is not different from random, and compared to RA3 and RA4, the observed (Pianka) niche overlap is significantly greater than expected. Run these options yourself in EcoSimR to confirm these patterns.

The statistical properties of RA3 and RA4 are good, although it is an open question whether resource categories that were never utilized by a species might have been utilized in a null assemblage. All four of the algorithms assume that all resource categories are equally abundant, which is often not the case.

If independent data on resource abundance are available, the observed utilization can be divided by resource abundance to create an “electivity” index (Lawlor 1980b). This index effectively provides more weight for resource categories that are rare. Such a weighting is useful because we expect high overlap in abundant resource categories. However, the weightings may be sensitive to sampling error for very scarce resource states.

Although it might seem reasonable to do so, you should not sum the resource utilization across species in order to estimate resource abundance. This estimate is not independent of observed utilization and can lead to Type I errors (incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis).

Some people are disturbed and suspicious of the fact that the null model results may depend on which algorithm is used and how the data are processed. But this is exactly as it should be: the results depend on the assumptions of the model. In the more familiar world of a simple ANOVA, the results will depend on whether the factors are treated as fixed or random and whether the data are transformed or not. And of course the results will depend on the sample size, the spatial scale of the study, and whether the data were collected as random, haphazard, systematic, or representative samples. Although there is often a preferred set of options for a null model analysis (which we have used in our defaults), we think it is always worthwhile to explore different variations of the model so that you can understand the result. See Gotelli and Ulrich (2012) for a recent discussion of other general issues in null model analysis.

Advanced Users

Once you have become comfortable working with the commands in the script file EcoSimR – Niche Overlap Shell.R, you can begin accessing the functions in EcoSimR directly and calling them from the command line in the console.

To begin, clear all of the objects in memory and close the current graphic device. Then load all of the EcoSimR functions by “sourcing” the EcoSimR – Main Source.R file. These commands should all be entered one at a time from the command line in the console:

rm(list = ls())
source("EcoSimR - Main Source.R")

The following command will recreate all of the output generated by the default values in the EcoSimR Niche Overlap shell:

Output.Results(Param.List, Null.Model.Engine(Param.List))

To alter any of the default settings, change the elements of Param.List

My.Params <- Param.List
My.Params$Random.Seed <- 54
My.Params$Algorithm <- "RA1"
My.Params$Display.About <- "screen"

Then call Output.Results with the new parameter values:

RandomInteger <- Set.The.Seed(My.Params)
# this line is needed first if you alter the random number seed

Output.Results(My.Params, Null.Model.Engine(My.Params))

All of the algorithms, metrics, and graphics in EcoSimR can be accessed directly for your own calculations. For example, these commands will calculate the Czekanowski.skew index for the data matrix My.Data:

show(My.Data <- matrix(rpois(60, 2.5), nrow = 6))
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
## [1,]    3    5    1    2    2    1    3    0    1     2
## [2,]    2    2    0    6    5    1    2    2    2     3
## [3,]    3    2    3    1    0    1    1    6    4     1
## [4,]    2    2    1    1    1    2    2    0    3     5
## [5,]    2    0    0    2    4    3    1    1    2     4
## [6,]    6    0    1    4    2    3    2    4    6     0
## [1] 0.04902

To store the vector (of length N.Rep) of simulated index values from the model defined by My.Params, use the second element in the list output from the Null.Model.Engine function:

My.Vector <- Null.Model.Engine(My.Params)[[2]]

From this vector, any standard summary statistics from the output can be easily calculated. For example, the 95% confidence interval (2-tailed) for the simulated values is given by:

show(My.Confidence.Interval <- quantile(My.Vector, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)))
##   2.5%  97.5% 
## 0.6760 0.8284

To create a list of 25 random matrices generated by applying RA4 to My.Data, use:

My.Matrices <- replicate(25, RA4(My.Data), simplify = FALSE)
# show the first randomized matrix in the list
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
## [1,]    1    3    5    3    2    2    1    0    1     2
## [2,]    2    2    0    1    2    2    3    6    5     2
## [3,]    3    6    1    1    0    1    4    3    2     1
## [4,]    1    2    2    2    2    1    3    0    1     5
## [5,]    1    0    0    2    3    2    4    4    1     2
## [6,]    4    0    4    2    6    3    6    2    1     0

To create a histogram of simulated and observed values by directly calling Null.Model.Plot, use:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

And to run Niche.Overlap.Plot for a data set and an algorithm without running a full null model analysis,

par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
Niche.Overlap.Plot(Data.Read("Macarthur Warblers.csv"), Algorithm = "RA2")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17

These examples illustrate just a few of the ways you can use the sourced EcoSimR functions in your own programs.

Literature Cited

Castro-Arellano, I., T.E. Lacher, Jr., M.R. Willig, and T.F. Rangel. 2010. Assessment of assemblage-wide temporal niche segregation using null models. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 1: 311-318.

Chase, J.M. and M.A. Leibold. 2003. Ecological Niches: Linking Classical And Contemporary Approaches. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Connell, J.H. 1980. Diversity and the coevolution of competitors, or the ghost of competition past. Oikos 35: 131-138.

Gause, G.F. 1934. The Struggle For Existence. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.

Hardin, G. 1960. The competitive exclusion principle. Science 131: 1292-1297.

Gotelli, N.J. and W. Ulrich. 2012. Statistical challenges in null model analysis. Oikos 121: 171-180.

Lawlor, L.R. 1980b. Overlap, similarity, and competition coefficients. Ecology 61: 245-251.

Lawlor, L.R. 1980a. Structure and stability in natural and randomly constructed model ecosystems. American Naturalist 116: 394-408.

MacArthur, R.H. 1958. Population ecology of some warblers of northeastern coniferous forests. Ecology 39: 599-699.

MacArthur, R.H. And R. Levins. 1967. The limiting similarity, convergence, and divergence of coexisting species. American Naturalist 101: 377-385.

Schoener, T.S. 1974. Resource partitioning in ecological communities. Science 185: 27-39.

Winemiller, K.O. and E.R. Pianka. 1990. Organization in natural assemblages of desert lizards and tropical fishes. Ecological Monographs 60: 27-55.